Jevon is wonderful, energetic, informed and friendly. I am excited about (the program) and what you have to offer employees who deal with tough and often emotional situations.
LOVE the teaching/presentation style and format. Interactive, teaching, discussion. Bravo!!
Loved the poll questions — they were worded well and were not obvious, requiring insight and thought. Thank you, Jevon!
Great pace, I felt like I didn't have time to lose focus or get distracted. Jevon brought great energy that didn't feel forced.
Jevon is really good — concise, knowledgeable, provides relatable information/examples, provides relevant and useful guidance, not just fluff. — Thank you!
Good training, reinforced what I do every day while interacting with the public, staff, callers, everyone! Thank you. (All my staff will be taking many (program) trainings!)
I appreciate Jevon's clear and concise communication, practical examples and actionable steps we can take to improve.
Love the high precision of these classes and the suggestion to find something that can help you today. It really helps in ensuring everyone walks away learning something useful.